WTF?? Volume 14

Sorry I've been MIA for awhile...trying to make that cheese, cheddar, cake, ifyaknowwhatimean. I shouldn't stay away for such long stretches, cause blogs are like your children, and right now my child has hair like Zahara Jolie-Pitt and is dressed in rags with no other words, a blog needs maintenance! So here I am.

I haven't done a WTF Volume in a long time, but this sh*t right here just puzzled the hayell out of me. I know it's a bit late, and I really meant to put it on my last post, but I just had to share.

I mean, can somebody please explain to me who deemed Mrs. Martha's Vinyard the authority on Kwanzaa? This has to be the most disgusting cake I've ever laid eyes on--they bill it as "famous"...what self-respecting Negro would be checking for this sorry nastiness? Acorns on a cake? I'm through.

spotted on Dlisted