Dolemite For President And Sh*t....

Speaking of Obama, Undercover Black Man will be live-blogging the Pennsylvania primary tonight (my Philly folkses stand up!).

I found this on his blog the other day.....did you know that Rudy Ray Moore aka Dolemite ran for president in 1972? And you thought Kwame Kilpatrick as a politician was pimpin'. From his site:

I betcha Rudy Ray Moore woulda knew how to handle Hillary Clinton in that debate last night. I ain’t lyin’!

Sheeeeit, that bad muthafucka Dolemite ran for president way back in 1972... before Barack Obama even had fuzz on his nuts.

Click here and listen to Rudy Ray’s campaign speech and press conference (NSFW). It is an artifact of political rhetoric that Sen. Obama would do well to study.

From IW: Too funny. But I must admit, after that heinous debate the other day, Obama seems to have gathered some swagger (ie: the "dust my shoulders" move). I guess he finally realized that he was wasting his time on the sea-hag known as Hillary Rodham.