Some Mo' Lovey Love

Hello all. I'm sorry for missing a couple days posting...I've had some things to do, and being the slacker that I normally am, I can only do so much. I will be traveling this week, so posting will be a bit irregular....come by and check me on the regular tho. I will be posting about the Pan African Film Festival this weekend.

Vanessa Byers from "Vannessa Unplugged!" gave me a tag of sorts. It's called "Blog It Forward" and you are supposed to list your 10 favorite blogs, and they are to do likewise. I have waaaay too many favorite blogs, so to take the diplomat's way out I will list the newest 10 blogs added to my blogroll. Some you may be familiar with....I say check them all out and show some might find a new favorite:

The Black Snob


Aunt Jemima's Revenge

Stuff White People Like (blogged by YT)

The Punkin Patch

Smitty's Soliloquy (he's foin!)

I Am Inspired-D.C. Speaks

Gorgeous Black Women

BygBaby's Mindspill (whatsup Detroit?)

Skoolboi's Playground

Charcoal Ink (a very, very fine blog)

I know that's 11, but I could not remember the true order I listed them. To all that I listed here--you are supposed to post your 10 favorites....which leads me to a thought about tags--you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink!

BTW: Thanks to the O Hell Nawl! crew for awarding me with a Bloggin' Azz Blogger award. Awww shucks **blushing**. Check out the awards show on their blog, they are the silliest!