BET.....Part 3 (Last Of A Trilogy, Trust)

Received this comment yesterday from "Anonymous"

"What would this show do that Three Six Mafia hasn't already done? Personally, I'm sick of the argument about positive images versus negative ones. Black people spend too much time being offended and not enough time creating significant commercial art (this coming from a successful black television comedy writer, and no I'm not some knee-jerk conservative).

I seriously doubt the show is offensive (let's not talk about how "offensive" is a relatively pointless word, less useful than even "obscene"... and we all know the definition for that one). It's probably just bad. Just like "Flavor of Love" is bad and "House of Payne" is bad and "Two and a Half Men" is bad.I can't wait for the day we stop acting like victims and feeling we've been done harm. Of course, by then we'll probably be demographically insignificant to the point where no one will care anyway (12% of the population and falling...). "

From Invisible Woman: Interesting. In all honesty, I get tired of the protests too, believe it or not. But what I'm more tired of is no quality black programming. If you still feel the same after viewing this clip link below of what is to be on "A Hot Ghetto Mess" Anonymous, well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I truly welcome them all.

All ya'll, check this ISH out-an actual segment for "Hot Ghetto Mess"(MUST SEE...NSFW!):