Oh My Damn.

There is a post from a brother from another mother out there....I found it quite arresting. It is from J.J., a former Hollywood publicist who is now a blogger (he also happens to be gay). He keeps it completely real, posting things that others would surely put out as a bitch-ass blind item. But the fact that no one contests him or tries to sue him says a lot. Namely that he speaks the truth. Many of the major gossip blogs flock to him for material, cause believe me, he is on the inside.

He posted this little ditty about Cuba Gooding, and all I could say was 'damn'. And from what I know about Cuba, I don't find it hard to believe. If you'd like to read, click here. There's just too much tang from Terrence today to post this one on my blog. It is very interesting reading, trust.