My Fourth Husband's Next Shady Move

From one third of The Negro Justice League, Supernegro's site:

The Rock has played both the face and the heel in his WWE wrasslin' career, but it looks like the former People's Champ and semi-movie star is once again split on which side of the fence he should ride. Dwayne Johnson's in discussion to play both the hero and the baddie in the upcoming Shazam movie, and he wants MTV viewers to help sway the decision.

"Shazam, of course, I would love to play. They approached me about [Captain Marvel] and [villain] Black Adam as well," he revealed. "We've been meeting for months. We're toying with either one. I think it's up to the fans. Without question."

Now, I always thought Shazam to be a pretty assy hero, although my homie dburt over at Afronerd is digging on the new stories. He's the alter-ego of a 13-year old kid who houses the smarts of Solomon, the muscle of Hercules, the endurance of Atlas, the power of Zeus, and the balls of Achilles, and the swiftness of Mercury. He's pretty much the immovable object in the D.C. Universe, but like any good hero, he has a great nemesis. Black Adam was a previous Shazam weilder and one of those crazy 'ol evil Arabs that America just loves to hate, so the Rock's natural tan may give him the nudge in that direction on a purely superficial level.

If you'd like to cast your vote, head over to the MTV Movie Blog and sound off. - Jay Wilson

From IW: Alrighty then.