This N' That

Okay. okay. okay...I know I am a crumb bum for not posting in over a week; something I haven't done since I started blogging. To keep it simple; my laptop and phone were stolen (a huuuuge detour), and I subletted my apartment in San Francisco to move to The City Of Angels, which was a bit time consuming as well.

Anyhoo, thanks to all who checked in me (it's good to be loved :-) ) and a massive apology to T. Obenson aka TAO, whose podcast I was to be on last Monday, and one to my new partner in crime, Ms. Hott Sauce, with whom I'm starting a new blog (more details on that later). I will try to blog a bit this morning, and later on tonight...blessings to those who still added me to their blog roll while I was out of commission, big up :-) If anyone wants to donate to the Invisible Home Decorating Fund, please feel free!

By the's good to be back in L.A. baaybeebaybaaay!