Hello There....

I'm back for awhile, inspired by several things:

**A blogger who writes infrequently, but beautifully, Michael Gonzales, who has a blog called "Blackadelic Pop".

**Several fiascoes and travesties of Black Hollywood, that I will blog about later today (number one being my beloved Terrence).

**The fact that I started designing my new blog on Typepad, and hated it---so I have to start again from scratch.

**Missing participating in "Old School Music Fridays".

**Reading all of your very well loved comments.

**Just having to post these pictures, tho they have nothing to do with Black Cinema, of the cousins we all don't really want to know about, here:

Yes, yo cousins is mad ignant.

**The opportunity to start monetizing my blog (though that reason is very low on the list of coming back)

**And finally, knowing you are in trouble when Thembi has the nerve to tell you you've been gone too long! haha!

(just jokes, thembs :-) )

thanks to The Daily Yeah for the pix. You men might appreciate that blog a lot more than us ladies....