Thanks so much to Sergio who keeps feeding me information, despite my lack of blog posts as of late. He sent me this...could Spike's film be generating some actual interest that we existed before the 1970's?
Yesterday's AP story on George Lucas's Red Tails, which is in pre-production, focused on the Tuskegee Airmen who will be the subject of the film, revealing that John Ridley is writing the script. There's been some speculation that Lucas might be returning to the director's chair.
According to Lucasfilm, Lucas is NOT directing Red Tails. As originally reported by Variety, he is an executive producer, with Rick McCallum and Charles Floyd Johnson producing. (Variety first mentioned the project back in 2006.) Ridley is writing. No other attachments yet, they say.
They have not started talking to distributors and aren't yet talking about their plans for financing. Lucas could pay for the whole thing out of his own pocket and barely miss it, but that doesn't mean he will.
According to Lucasfilm, Lucas is NOT directing Red Tails. As originally reported by Variety, he is an executive producer, with Rick McCallum and Charles Floyd Johnson producing. (Variety first mentioned the project back in 2006.) Ridley is writing. No other attachments yet, they say.
They have not started talking to distributors and aren't yet talking about their plans for financing. Lucas could pay for the whole thing out of his own pocket and barely miss it, but that doesn't mean he will.
Like so many other projects, they will push production back if there is a SAG strike.
And for those who are asking if a story about World War II airmen facing racism might appeal to a certain Lucas pal named Spielberg, known to have made movies that touch on African-American history and the Second World War now and then, be assured, we checked with Lucasfilm and he's never been involved with the project.
From IW: So Spielberg makes films that "touch on African American history"? I must have missed those--if anyone knows what they are, please let me know. And I'm not talking about some movies he made sprinkled with some Black characters that have lines, and are not imperative to the film.. That white perspective is something else, I tell ya...lets hope a movie about The Tuskegee Airmen is not told from one, like so many other Black stories.

To my ATLians: You guys are lucky. Spaghetti Junction is doing some thangs down there. On Monday, they have the 5th annual Black Women Film Festival...and folkses, it's free: check it:
Urban Film Review
DATE:6/23/2008 Monday, June 23rd
DATE:6/23/2008 Monday, June 23rd
TIME: 7:00pm
LOCATION: Woodruff Arts Center,1280 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
LOCATION: Woodruff Arts Center,1280 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
MORE: FREE! Arrive early, limited seating. Click HERE to RSVP
Call me crazy, but this sounds so effin' interesting to me--usually, I'm turned off on this kind of thing, but I am mildly fascinated by this concept. From reader Sienna:
Hi there
I don't know if I'm dating myself...but I remember when I used to watch the Family Feud back in the early '80s (when the host was Richard Dawson) there were so few black families on the Feud that when a family came on that looked like mine it was big news in my house.
Well times sure have changed. NBC is premiering Celebrity Family Feud next Tuesday at 8/7c and not only is Al Roker the host -- there are several black celebs and their families taking part:
Teams include: Team Ice T (And where Ice T is, Coco surely follows), Team Symone (Raven Symone), and Team Mo’Nique (need I say more) and Team Fox (Vivica)
From IW: I was never into Family Feud...once I had it on in the background and it was on for 15 minutes before I realized that my own sister and assorted relatives were on it (no one bothered to tell me-WTF!?!), but I'm tuning in to this, for sure.
Reader cdnyc07 sent me this nugget from my beloved, Terrence Howard:
The Iron Man star, 39, has a brutally honest take on love. "I'm the most arrogant person you'll ever meet, and any woman I date has to know that," he says. "Life is too short to pretend that you're okay with somebody when you're not."
From IW: Just one more reason why he's the man of my dreams. Btw, Terrence, you might want to bring that down a peg or two....let us marinate in the picture from my Terrence Watch! Part Six:

And over to this:

Speaking of Terrence, thanks to the wonderful Villager, aka Wayne Hicks at the go-to Black news and happenings blog, Electronic Village. He awarded me with the "Share The Love Award". He said this:
'Invisible Woman, creator of Black Cinema At Large - A very creative sister with experiences, perspectives and commentary on all things related to Black folks in television and movies. I haven't quite figured out if she loves or hates Terrance Howard!'
From IW: haha--listen Villager, let's put it this way--don't ever look for a wedding invitation from the two of us in your mailbox! The "Share The Love" origins are this:
The 'Sharing The Love' Award, was created by Blogger Crystal at “Memoirs Of A Mommy” blog, in honor of donor who saved her one month old’s life a year ago. Crystal’s son Noah celebrated his first birthday thanks to someone who gave the gift of life.In Crystal’s own words, here are the rules of the Share the Love Award:
“Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog.
All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipients to do the same. I created this award in Honor Of The Donor That Saved Noah’s Life. I share this award with those of you whose love and friendship have enriched my life and made my world a better place.I hope by passing this award around the blogging world we can all help raise awareness of the need for Organ Donation.”
From IW: Duly noted.
And finally, here is a prime picture of the lovely Jamie Foxx back in the day. Enjoy the scenery while sipping your favorite martini...cheers!

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