When I first heard that Mike had a heart attack, I was a bit surprised but not really. I heard he was pretty frail these days, and with all the stress and pressure he's been under for the last 15 years, it would have worn down anyone, point blank...I fully expected him to recover. But then when I read he'd died, it felt like someone had socked me hard in my chest--I could not believe what I was seeing. I involuntarily began to cry.
Tho I have been side-eying Michael and his antics for quite some time, all I could remember was that my first real memory of music and dancing as a toddler was to Michael. My parents had these huge speakers in the den, the outside was made of real wood; completely old school. I remember dancing to Mike and his brothers facing those speakers, in my fuzzy bunny slippers and pajamas, my hair all wrapped up in the scarf I would sleep in to keep my hair neat and pretty--I loved that music so much! The first concert I ever went to was Mike and his brothers--I was so excited cause I got to touch Jermaine on his way by...
That's the only way I choose to remember Michael, for his music, for I believe he did the best that he knew how, and he never seemed to be able to mend his heart and overcome his issues and demons like say...Prince. I would have loved for him to enjoy what appears to be the peaceful, lavish, respected life Prince has, but I am also glad his pain is at rest.
Me being me, here is a mini-movie video that Mike made back in the day, with icons Eddie Murphy, Iman, and Magic Johnson. It is a fantastic tribute in my eyes to the beauty of Blackness, and I was very proud of Michael when he made it. Enjoy and have a blessed day:
Please visit my Old School Fridays fam and folkses today for your fill of Micheal Jackson tributes and remembrances:
AJ - http://overanalyzeit.wordpress.com/Believer 1964 - http://ruhoffman.blogspot.com/BklynQueen’86 - http://vanitydark.blogspot.com/CC Groovy - http://ccgroovy.blogspot.com/Chocl8t - http://thechocl8tdiaries.wordpress.com/Cooper - http://wonderlandornot.net/Shawn - http://dallassouthblog.com/Danielle Vyas - http://modernmusings.com/Dee - http://donotcolorme.blogspot.com/DP - http://therealready.blogspot.com/Fresh and Fab - http://freshandfab.blogspot.com/Hagar’s Daughters – http://hagarsdaughters.blogspot.com/John - http://altjirangamitjina.blogspot.com/Kevin - http://slanttruth.com/Kim - http://thepunkin-patch.blogspot.com/LaKeisha - http://kreativetalk.blogspot.com/LaShonda - http://thee-biz.blogspot.com/Lil Creole Pimp - http://creolepimp.blogspot.com/Lisa C - http://lisacwrites.blogspot.com/Mahogany - http://www.mahoganydymond.net/Malcolm - http://popculturedish.blogspot.com/Marcus - http://marcuslangford.com/MarvalusOne - http://www.conversationswithmarva.com/ Mike - http://thehappygoluckybachelor.blogspot.com/Mrs. Grapevine - http://mrsgrapevine.com/MsLadyDeborah - http://msladydeborah.blogspot.com/Pjazzypar - http://www.tracesofastream.blogspot.com/Pop Art Diva - http://popartdiva.blogspot.com/Quick - http://thequickcatchup.blogspot.com/Regina - http://reginasfamilyseasons.blogspot.com/Shae-Shae - http://heyshae.com/blogSharon - http://thetrueurbanqueen.blogspot.com/SJP - http://sojournersplace.blogspot.com/Thembi - http://whatwouldthembido.blogspot.com/Villager - http://electronicvillage.blogspot.com/Vivrant Thang - http://songsinthekeyoflife.wordpress.com/Zenobia - http://from-the-battlefield.blogspot.com/

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