The Best Albums of the 2000s: Coming on Monday

This is just a programming note to provide some advance notice: next week, from Monday through Thursday, I will posting a list of the best 200 albums of the last decade, 50 albums at a time. I've been working on this project for a long time (as evidenced by how late it is after most people have done these kinds of round-ups!). I've written brief blurbs for each album, so I hope people will stop by, take a look, and offer up their own recommendations and commentary on my selections. It's a fairly diverse list, I think, and one that's probably destined to fully satisfy nobody but me — but I hope it'll at least trigger some discussion and maybe point some readers towards a few albums that I consider the absolute peak of recent music.

So come back on Monday to check out the first 50 albums in the list, for numbers 200 through 151, along with my proper introduction to the project.