Rihanna and that kinda hot dude Eric from "True Blood" (I can't remember his real name) are the leads in the film "Battleship", based on the freaking kids game! I wrote about this travesty of a possibility a couple years back, but figured someone must have come down from their crack high since I didn't hear about it again. Until now. Crack pipes for everyone!
(be back later with an ode to vonetta mcgee)
pic via dlisted
UPDATE: Hilarious reader comments:
TechKappen said...
Psssh. I'm still waiting on my Monopoly movie. But this sounds pretty riveting. Is he going to pick F5 or B7???
I wonder if they'll play on Rihanna's forehead...
Tafari said...
Never under estimate the value of a good crack high. Never!
Ehav Ever said...
I wonder if there will be a critical point in the movie, where all looks dark and at its worst. Then someone will yell out......You sank my battleship!
0Awesome Comments!