As a fairly new blogger, I am coming to the realization that a lot of bloggers are staunch superhero/comic book fans. I've never been too big on it, but I think I would tend to be more interested if the superhero were black (sorry, just being honest).
Reading one of my Negro Justice League trifecta's blogs, Supernegro (the other 2 being Afronerd, and Undercover Black Man, who wrote a blurb about me yesterday, thanks :-) ) he talked about John Singleton making Luke Cage and The Black Panther. That would be great, as Singleton needs to atone for "Four Brothers" the only film that could make Andre 3000 unattractive and boring (Tyrese was fiyah tho!).
Anyhoo, I will even forgive John for dissing "Meteor Man" (Robert Townsend never bothers anybody) if he makes even one of these films. I wouldn't hold my breath tho, he has talked about making a number of films that have never come to fruition.
btw, above is a Luke Cage action figure...a bit zesty, no?
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