I'm Not Your Caddy

Went to see "Who's Your Caddy?" this weekend to appease my folkses. It was everything you would expect it to be; nothing more, nothing less.

I get asked from time to time why there aren't more quality commercial black films. Well, in my opinion, there are plenty of people that try to make them, but not enough people in decision making positions greenlighting them. When I worked at the studio That Will Henceforth Remain Unnamed, they shot down wonderful, innovative projects like they were the Taliban. It was amazingly frustrating, to the point that I couldn't work on the business end any longer, as my disgust never seemed to go away.

There is enough room for all types of films out there, both black and non-black. And not everything has to be a masterpiece. And I am all about our community making and having their own. But now that we are making inroads and greenlighting our own films, can we please elevate just a wee bit? (*cough *cough* king latifah, tracey edmonds)