Milk Carton Alert!

What the eff happened to Taimak (he's 43!) and Julius Carry, aka "Sho'Nuff" (check out his normal picture!) from "The Last Dragon"? I wanted to know, and so did Jon from the positive blog "Chimeric Daydreams".

While Julius Carry has worked steadily in TV (could've fooled me) on shows like "Moesha" and "Half and Half", Taimak has had some spotty B-roles, oddly enough using his real life name coupled with a made up last name for his characters. Weird.

If you're interested, here is his official website, and I think he's singing/talking on it, also weird: Take a look at some exercise DVD tomfoolery he made unleashed on an unsuspecting public:

Damn! Embedding disabled...guess he needs you to buy, but here is the link: