OK, so Jasmine Guy co-executive directed the Turks and Caicos film festival last week and invited Amanda Bynes to collect the "Rising Star" award. I know, why the hell would she invite Amanda Bynes? Because of Hairspray? Who went to see that? Anyway, after demanding four first class airline tickets and two double hotel suites, Amanda arrived on the Island and didn't attend one single event. She even bailed on a celebrity boat cruise with Michael Clarke Duncan and Gabrielle Union. They say she spent the whole time jet skiing. Anyway, after Jasmine confronted her, Amanda's people sent word that if Jasmine spoke to Amanda again, she'd leave and not accept her award. Amanda's friends told Page Six that Jasmine acted like a "drunken bitch" and that her husband even apologized to Amanda for it. "She's crazy," Mandy's friends said, "She [Jasmine] was screaming at her, 'I didn't invite you here to have fun! I invited you to work!'
From IW: Didn't they already have this festival 2 months ago? I wrote about it here. Why would you make Amanda Bynes of all people be the guest of honor? Are you trying to be purposely low-budget? Why is Jasmine Guy directing anything? Why is there a persistent rumor that Eddie Murphy's ex and her newly stripper-sized chest is messing around with Lisa Raye's husband (the Prime Minister of Turks & Caicos)....and why wasn't Lisa Raye there-what else does she have to do?
Soooo many questions.....

Update: Received this pic from coloredgirlswhohaveconsidered. Put the glass down, girl, just put it down.

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