At least on "Blogger". A Negress steps away from her blog for one day and all hell breaks loose....my blog was down for most of the day today, and I didn't even know it until sweetie pie Mrs. Grapevine pulled my coat and sent me an email. WTF? I was already thinking of going to a new platform, but didn't care for Wordpress; it's like a sign. Look for me somewhere else as soon as next week.
Anyhoo, I'll try to keep my mind off of the temptation to walk to the Blogger offices (they're near me) and also off of that coony-ass coon (as Slaus put it) Bob Johnson and that stupid BS he said about Obama and Clinton, and talk about about Black Cinema (and me).
On The Black Hand Side has a new feature for 2008--interviewing various Black Bloggers once a week. I was featured this week (#3), along with past weeks bloggers Sheila and Yobachi. It is an interesting way to find out why your bloggers blog, and how they feel about the Black Blogosphere. Check Vanessa's site out when you get a chance.
I try to make you aware of any special Black Film marathons, etc. on cable when I can. I've been missing a few lately, but I'll be up to speed starting next month. In the meantime, Sergio (thank you!) made me aware of this very, very special happening on Monday; PLEASE check it out if you care anything about good Black Cinema---if you don't have TCM, have someone tape it for you:
Turner Classics Movies network is devoting an entire evening (5 hours worth) to the films of filmmaker Charles Burnett Monday Jan. 21 (including 'Killer of Sheep' and 'My Brother's Wedding') with Burnett between screenings being interviewed and discussing his films. The entire program of films will be repeated again late into the night
Click on link:
Yeah I know why isn't BET doing this? For that matter neither is TV One.
From IW: BET is beyond hope, but at least TV One does try.
In other news (thanks again Sergio), first Spike Lee is accused of not paying his folkses, and now some dude is saying he stole his script. To be fair, the dude "owns a commercial cleaning company and a hip-hop record business". In Louisville, Kentucky. And a script writer too? Interesting. To get the full story, click here:
And last but not least, I will be doing a Black Bloggers Roundtable podcast on Black Cinema with my fellow cinemafiles Tambay from The Obenson Report, Qadree from Culture Critical, and The Black Actor. More on that later, but it will be February 4th.
OK. I'm hungry, gonna go---will post tomorrow if my s--t is up!
eddie picture ganked from rws
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