I mentioned Barack Obama and "I Am Legend" this morning, and said a couple weeks ago that I was going to post a review of the movie. I wanted to wait, cause I didn't want to spoil it for folks at the time.
But if you are familiar with my blog, you know I am a bit lazy when it comes to reviews. I know, I know...how can I write a blog about Black film and only occasionally review the finished product? I don't know, but what I do know is that little factoid is seemingly not going to change anytime soon.
I will talk a little about the power of Will Smith, tho. He is completely magnetic on screen; your eyes are riveted on him at all times. It is rare when any actor has this quality....but Will also has something else.
He is completely believable.
We all know about Will's charmed real life; the huge beautiful mansion, the zillions of the dollars, the perfect looking children, his scary (but strangely interesting) wife.
Knowing all that, I believe it and feel Will when he is the last man on earth, when he loses his family, when he is fighting aliens, when he is playing a gay con man, or a cop, or is a fugitive. Your disbelief is suspended, and that is something only a real actor can do.
I think Will takes a lot of hatorade because of his uber-fabulous personal life, but I must say, I can't remember a Will Smith film that I didn't enjoy, and he is one of the few actors I will venture into the theater to see.
Field Negro had an interesting perspective on "I Am Legend". I don't know if I completely agree, but I love the Field, so I'll give him a pass, haha.

I Am Barack
by The Field Negro
I caught my homey Will Smith's new flick today, and as a movie, I must say, it was average.
---Although I loved all the Bob Marley references and the soundtrack--
Will needed a hit, and I think he has one with this movie. (77 million this weekend).
But something deeper is going on here, and I am on to those pagans out in Hollywood.
First of all they are trying to get us to vote for Obama for president by putting out this movie now with all its subliminal messages and hidden meanings.
But something deeper is going on here, and I am on to those pagans out in Hollywood.
First of all they are trying to get us to vote for Obama for president by putting out this movie now with all its subliminal messages and hidden meanings.
Think about it; black man (who looks a lot like Obama by the way) is one of the few people left on earth and it's up to him to save mankind and future generations from extinction. So not only does he have to concoct an antidote for a deadly virus that's infected humankind, but he has to fight off a bunch of freaky mindless humans in the process. (Think republicans on steroids) He does all this by throwing in a little Rastafarian philosophy of peace and love along the way. He waxes poetic about Bob Marley, and his vision of solving the world's problems such as racism through song and music. (Think other "Magic Negroes" like Oprah).
If all this sounds eerily like Obama's campaign for president, I don't think it was by accident. I am telling you the Hollywood crowd has it in for Hillary. Think about it. Obama, like Will in this movie, preaches optimism and hope for the future. But instead of music he wants to use political speeches and catchy campaign slogans. In the movie Will has to find a cure for a virus that has destroyed most of humanity. Obama has to find a cure for the virus that's effecting the A-merry-can psyche. It's called eight years of George Bush. The movie is so anti republican that Will Smith's character actually declares at one point in the movie that "there is no god". That line was a shot from Hollywood at the Huckabee crowd as well as the other holy roller republican candidates. (But who is complaining?) And the producers of the movie were smart, because in order to keep white folks attention Will Smith's best friend and companion throughout the flick happened to be a dog. (I hope that's not a shot at Barack's wife). That is, of course, until he went to that kennel in the sky...whoops, I said enough about the movie itself, I don't want to ruin it for you.
So sorry Hillary and Bill, the better this flick does at the box office the worse it will be for you. Because the more A-merry-ca watches this little subliminal number, the more a bunch of them will go into the voting booth next November and see Will Smith and not Barack Obama.
If that happens, the words "I Am Legend" will take on a whole different meaning.
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