I've been reading this book on the spiritual laws of prosperity. I was grabbed by one particular passage today....I guess it's because I have been thinking so much about politics lately:
"This is the most enlightened age the world has ever known. It has been stated that more progress has been made on this planet in the past one hundred years than in the past ten thousand years! Jesus promised that, when the Spirit Of Truth is come, it would guide us into all truth. This is the age when the truth about God, man, and the universe is being explored and revealed as never before."
IW: I'm not super religious or anything, but Amen. I think Obama is part of this awakening; he has a consciousness and conscientiousness like no politician I've ever seen. I wish him well on his journey, and no matter how things turn out, he has given politics the much needed shake it has deserved for way too long--and as a result has put many a perpetrator under the microscope for the fools and/or hypocrites that they are.
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