A couple of months ago, I posted this pic of this dude who was supposed to be a Denzel Washington lookalike. He looked about as much like Denzel as my Yorkie. While cruising the internets, I found that he is part of a management company that has a whole string of lookalikes, most of them looking like the stars they are supposed to be as much as he looks like Denzel. They are all described like him, just insert the celebrity name:
This Denzel Washington [or other celebrity] impersonator is excellent for corporate & private events, company picnics, trade shows, clubs, fundraisers, & advertising. This accomplished impersonator not only looks like the performer, he has captured Denzel Washington's mannerisms as well. In addition, you can arrange to provide your audience with photos taken with "Denzel Washington" as souvenirs.
Alrighty then. See if you can guess who these "celebrities" are. Answers at the bottom:



three (easy)

four (hint: hasn't been in movies)





1)beyonce 2)janet jackson 3)prince 4)barack obama (?!) 5)halle berry 6)halle berry 7)halle berry 8)oprah winfrey 9)jennifer lopez
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