Hello There...

Hey y'all. I know my posting has been beyond wack, and I apologize. My counterpart at work is in Europe, and I have been buried. I planned on catching up over this past holiday weekend, but since I was visiting San Francisco, and the Invisible Poppy and the Invisible Friends are cocktail lovers and classic sh*t talkers like yours truly, I didn't get very far.

I want to say thank you so very, very much for leaving your comments, tho I haven't been able to respond to them. I love, love, love getting your feedback---I cannot stress that enough. Please be patient with me; I should be back to normal starting next week.

There's so much news that I want to write about for you guys--I am even dreaming about Black Cinema and it's offshoots. Last night I had a dream that I bummed a ciggie from Forest Whitaker, which is so very wrong for 2 reasons: 1) I would never bum a cig in public and 2) I would never, ever, have the nerve to get that close to Forest's face! haha!