Hey all. Been gone a couple o' days....mama had bidness to attend to :-)
I've gotten some very interesting comments the past couple days...surprise, surprise (not) more than a few involved the great Tyler Perry. Of course Sergio weighed in:
'I have a friend who met Angela Bassett shortly after she made Meet The Browns and told him confidentially that it was the absolute WORSE experience she had ever had in her career. That Perry has no clue what he's doing either in directing or handling actors.
Of course when it came time to promote the film she couldn't say that, but let's face it. She's a 50 year old black actress in Hollywood and it's a struggle just to get a role let alone lead roles. Which is why she's now going to be a regular on the last season of ER (wearing a really bad wig judging from the promo pictures of her on the show). But I have a feeling that other actresses who have been in Perry's movies (Lathan, Woodard, Givens, etc) would all say the same thing about Perry in private too.'
From IW: Dang! And Manchild, who may be the most positive blogger in the Afrosphere, had this to say:
I'm hoping and praying that Mr. Tyler Perry will survive his "humble beginnings" as a film director, screenwriter, and producer. It's just a matter of time before he triumphantly delivers the high-quality films people will gladly pay to see.
Despite Mr. Perry's short-comings right now, at least he's involved in the game and doing the best he can to live out his "Big Dream" while he still can.
We all know some creative person who's been shackled and chained by "perfectionism" and the "paralysis of analysis" for years and died with their dreams still in them. Fear and Peer Pressure have persuaded many aspiring writers, actors, and film producers to give up, quit, and abandon their dreams too soon.
Adversity, Setbacks, and Failure will prove to be Tyler Perry's most effective teachers. Time will be his most reliable critic. Been there. Done that.
From IW: Interesting take, and well said. There is hope on the horizon...from reader Awkward Black Girl:
'I have gotten my wish! Tyler Perry is taking a step back to produce OTHER filmmakers and writers. YES JESUS!!!!!
From IW: lol! On another note, from my self-proclaimed lurker "KS" in Kansas-for my Midwest fam, there is an amazing showing of works in Topeka by Separate Cinema from Oct 1-Nov 1.
It is a festival of Black literature adapted to the big screen with the cinema of books by Earnest Gaines, Gordon Parks, Chester Himes, Richard Wright, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, and a host of others...wish I could be there! For more info on this wonderful fest, entitled "From Micheaux To Morrisson" click HERE.

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