This post is just a mish mash of things...feel free to wonder why I'm going off on different tangents....
First off, I listened to a couple of Terrence Howard's songs. I had the same approach as when you go into a deep, cold pool; just take a deep breath and hold it, then jump in. And. Oh. My. God. I actually liked it! I thought it was very different, and it kinda had a 70's soul sound to it. Believe me, it gives me no pleasure to admit this--it is tantamount to admitting to my boss that I shoot up heroin in the bathroom during lunch....who woulda thunk? Not me, that's for sure.....these are truly the last days.
Speaking of music, why is Solange's hair always so mountainous, and when will Andre 3000 stop wearing that stupid hat? Note to Andre Benjamin: that ish is NOT the business--let it go!

I'm glad to see that The Hughes Brothers are doing something besides that pimp mess. From Black Talent News:
Oscar winner Denzel Washington has signed on to star in the post-apocalyptic drama "The Book of Eli" for directing duo Allen and Albert Hughes ("From Hell).
Gary Whitta wrote the original story, with rewrites by Andrew Peckham. The story takes place in the not-so-distant future where America is a wasteland and a lone warrior (Washington) fights to bring society the knowledge that is key to its redemption.
"This is an epic tale, a thriller set in a future uninviting yet hopeful, and its hero could not be batter suited to Denzel Washington," Alcon's Johnson and Kosove told Variety. "The Hughes brothers will bring a bold, contemporary edge to the story and we're excited to have this be our next film."
From IW: Hopefully Denzel and the Hughes' can bring something new to this 'been there, done it too many times' genre.
And speaking of 'been there, done that' do we really need a sequel to "Inside Man"? Me love Clive Owen and all, but....
And speaking of Spike, why is he saying that talkin' greasy about Clint Eastwood will cost him the Oscar for "Miracle At St. Anna"? Ummm...note to Spike: Maybe your movie will prevent you from getting an Oscar, yes? Nobody's even seen it yet...damn.
Is Kelly Rowland's new man a ghost?
Urbanworld Film Festival in The Big Apple, y'all. It starts TODAY. I don't know if it's still the same, but I've been a couple of times and it was very exciting and energizing. Check out all the details HERE.

Why Janet and Jennifer? Not the look, girls....
And finally thank you so much Dirty Red from a "Black Man's View" for giving me this tasty award; "The Brilliante Blog Award". Thought I forgot about you, huh Red? I did forget about the tag, tho (accidentally on purpose! :-) )

Speaking of music, why is Solange's hair always so mountainous, and when will Andre 3000 stop wearing that stupid hat? Note to Andre Benjamin: that ish is NOT the business--let it go!

I'm glad to see that The Hughes Brothers are doing something besides that pimp mess. From Black Talent News:
Gary Whitta wrote the original story, with rewrites by Andrew Peckham. The story takes place in the not-so-distant future where America is a wasteland and a lone warrior (Washington) fights to bring society the knowledge that is key to its redemption.
"This is an epic tale, a thriller set in a future uninviting yet hopeful, and its hero could not be batter suited to Denzel Washington," Alcon's Johnson and Kosove told Variety. "The Hughes brothers will bring a bold, contemporary edge to the story and we're excited to have this be our next film."
From IW: Hopefully Denzel and the Hughes' can bring something new to this 'been there, done it too many times' genre.

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