^To quote the late, great, Notorious B.I.G.
Thank you so very much for my birthday wishes. Between my fasting and prosperity journey with my good pal Sistah C., my job, personal boring responsibilities, my quest to triple my fundage, and my new found E-Bay addiction for low priced but hellacious clothing (yes, I'm late on that), I haven't really felt like blogging. I always say if blogging feels like a job, or a duty, no es fun anymore. If I take breaks from time to time, Ms. Invisible can keep rollin'. I love Black Film, and I feel lots of good things are coming this year, so I want to be here with you to discuss most of it....
Anyhoo, after an unplanned absence I usually come back with an Old School Music Friday, which I haven't done in eons. This week's theme is Originals Vs. Remakes, and I'd like to take it back to my origin of making mine Black Cinema related.
Here is the first, true original one, and the one that I really enjoy most. The remakes get progresionally...ummm...questionable, but it is always an amazing song no matter who is singing it:
The next is of Aretha Franklin singing it. She is skinny, with some short blondish (sort of) nappylicious hair, and she has seemed to maintain her apparent complete and total disdain for any type of boobage support for decades. But girl can sing, what can I say?
The last is En Vogue, who actually did a wonderful homage to the original in their 90's video of the remake. I always feel an affinity to them cause I went to school with Dawn Robinson, and we admitted years later that we had always admired each others style, even back then. Unfortunately, the original video is nowhere to be found on youtube (and I was too lazy to look elsewhere), but I did find many different versions shot on many niggaratti cell phones. Here is one--peep the wardrobe as well; how the mighty have fallen.... :-(
PS: Who are the people supposed to be in the poster above? Awful! Please visit my other OSF fam for their choices on this meme:
AJ - http://overanalyzeit.wordpress.com/Believer 1964 - http://ruhoffman.blogspot.com/BklynQueen’86 - http://vanitydark.blogspot.com/CC Groovy - http://ccgroovy.blogspot.com/Chocl8t - http://thechocl8tdiaries.wordpress.com/Cooper - http://wonderlandornot.net/Shawn - http://dallassouthblog.com/Danielle Vyas - http://modernmusings.com/Dee - http://donotcolorme.blogspot.com/DP - http://therealready.blogspot.com/Fresh and Fab - http://freshandfab.blogspot.com/Hagar’s Daughters – http://hagarsdaughters.blogspot.com/Invisible Woman - http://invisible-cinema.blogspot.com/John - http://altjirangamitjina.blogspot.com/Kevin - http://slanttruth.com/Kim - http://thepunkin-patch.blogspot.com/LaKeisha - http://kreativetalk.blogspot.com/LaShonda - http://thee-biz.blogspot.com/Lil Creole Pimp - http://creolepimp.blogspot.com/Lisa C - http://lisacwrites.blogspot.com/Mahogany - http://www.mahoganydymond.net/Malcolm - http://popculturedish.blogspot.com/Marcus - http://marcuslangford.com/MarvalusOne - http://themarvalusview.com/Mike - http://thehappygoluckybachelor.blogspot.com/Mrs. Grapevine - http://mrsgrapevine.com/MsLadyDeborah - http://msladydeborah.blogspot.com/Pjazzypar - http://www.tracesofastream.blogspot.com/Pop Art Diva - http://popartdiva.blogspot.com/Quick - http://thequickcatchup.blogspot.com/Regina - http://reginasfamilyseasons.blogspot.com/Shae-Shae - http://heyshae.com/blogSharon - http://thetrueurbanqueen.blogspot.com/SJP - http://sojournersplace.blogspot.com/Thembi - http://whatwouldthembido.blogspot.com/Villager - http://electronicvillage.blogspot.com/Vivrant Thang - http://songsinthekeyoflife.wordpress.com/Zenobia - http://from-the-battlefield.blogspot.com/
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