I was going to post some more about the movies I saw over the weekend, but it's difficult for me to talk about frivolous things when I'm right here in Oakland in the midst of the aftermath of the murder, yes, murder of Oscar Grant. In case you don't know, Oscar Grant was shot and killed, while laying face down, in what some say were handcuffs, in Oakland by the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) police. Yes, transit police.

It is ironic that just a few weeks ago I posted about my own experience with the BART police slamming my newborn son's head on the trunk of a car here.
During that time, I met a man whose son was also murdered by the BART police. His son was sixteen years old, and was falsely accused of stealing a Walkman because "he fit a description". When the police officer questioned him, the young man, knowing his innocence, walked away from the officer, and was shot from the back by the cop, killing him.
He was also unarmed, minding his own business, just as I was, when these animals came upon him, just like they did to Oscar Grant, scarring families and lives for eternity. The father always carried around this huge scrapbook of his son under his arm, filled with newspaper articles, letters, pictures, and depositions. I was so filled with sorrow for him every time we met, because I knew that book was his own personal cross to bear. It brings tears to my eyes even writing about it now. As far as I know, the father never received any type of justice for his son, just as BART wrote a letter regarding my baby's slammed head and stint in foster care as "justified" because "the officer felt threatened". I couldn't talk about my experience until very recently, and a part of my life was taken away from me that day, never to return.

Was this piece of shit that shot Oscar Grant "threatened" as well? I'm sure if there were no real witnesses, that would have been the lie told for the thousandth time by those dogs. Thank the Most High for video phones and YouTube. This gross abuse of power is absolutely sickening, and is just one of many examples of how far we have to go in equal justice. I learned through a police-watch group that the BART police are monitored by NO ONE, and therefore ARE NOT held accountable for ANYTHING that they do.
Until now. Why the fuck is anyone killed, or having their children taken away, just for riding a public train? The BART police are, in essence, a bunch of wild cowboys in uniform in my opinion, and it is way past time for a rebellion like this to happen regarding the suffering they have put on Black riders for years.
Yes, there were fires, and protests, and a damn near riot, and I'm sorry for anyone that suffered because of it. But I am also, to be very, very honest, almost gleeful that the whole country can finally see what has been swept under the rug, and covered over with dirt for so very long.
And oh, Mr. Murdering Cop? Mr. Johannes Mehserle? Sorry honey, resigning is not nearly enough. No freaking way. You should be in jail, even as I write this, never to see the light of day again, just like Oscar Grant, who begged you not to harm him for the sake of his young daughter, will never see the light of day ever again. May you burn forever.

Here is some footage of one of the protests, cause I couldn't find it in me to post the videos of his murder, but you can find it all over the net:
UPDATE: Spotted on Slant Truth from RaceWire:
5 Things You Can Do Right Now About the Oscar Grant Shooting
1. Digg the story so that the national media can pick up on it
2. Contact BART Director Carole Ward Allen and demand that 1) the officers involved be taken off duty without pay and charged and fully prosecuted; 2) there be an independent investigation of the shooting that includes a review of training and hiring practices; and 3) BART establish an independent residents’ review board for the police Call her at 510-464-6095 or email the BART Directors at BoardofDirectors@bart.gov
3. Call the BART police to complain about the officers’ conduct and demand immediate action: Internal Affairs: Sergeant David Chlebowski 510.464.7029,dchlebo@bart.gov; Chief of Police: Gary Gee 510.464.7022, ggee@bart.gov
Call them toll free at 877.679.7000 and press the last four digits of the phone number you wish to reach.
4. Talk it up on your blogs, networks and talk radio shows (call Michael Baisden 877-6BADBOY or Rev. Al, etc. to get this on the national radar)
5. Stay tuned for other actions, protests, etc., especially if you are in the Bay.
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