1) I can read palms and tarot cards, and am very, very good at it. I started on a fluke by reading a few books that a roommate had years ago. I stopped doing it cause all of my friends were calling me every day for the most minute details, like I was Madame Cleo or something.
2) I've had more than a few careers, one of the first being a flight attendant for about 4 months (as Men on Film would say "hated it!") to being a stylist for music videos (interesting but tiresome).
3) Until I was about 14 I wanted to be a nun. When I was very young I was brought up Catholic, and typical of the guilt associated with it, I thought it would be the only way for me to get into heaven. Needless to say that thought is long gone.
4) I am kind of a nerd--the only TV shows that I go out of my way to watch are adult cartoons, and I watch them compulsively; South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Adult Swim (like Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Frisky Dingo), etc. I know, I have a problem. I also loathe reality shows and never, ever watch the news. I do get news from reading the blogs, tho!
5) I am a purse/handbag addict, and cannot resist buying when I see something beautiful, even when funds are low. You know you're an addict when you have about 50 purses and use the same getting-raggedy one every single day.
6) I love alt-rock, especially from the 90's; Stone Temple Pilots, Porno For Pyros, Velvet Revolver, Nirvana, etc.--I totally love them--more than a bit baffling to boyfriends, haha. I also used to be the biggest rap/hip-hop queen on the planet, which was also baffling for some cause you would never tell by looking at me. I even drank 40s with some of the rappers. Guys used to be shocked, and tell their friends "Yo-she knows rap like a ni__a!" This was when it was still PC to say that word of course. I guess they were too used to groupies.
7) I smoked off and on for years...I was a closet smoker, really hiding it, and generally did it when I had some cocktails. Now I can't even stand to smell them.
Anyway, enough about me. The people that I want to tag are:
Just Judith from Viva Voce
Coco LaRue aka Coco LaWall from Thursday Nite Fever (them bitches is ash and i'm lotion!)
Purple Zoe from Ultraviolet Underground
David from Undercover Black Man (tho he may be too highbrow for these types of shenanigans)
Ms. Hott Sauce of That's Not Hott!
Michelle from Colored Girls Who Have Considered
Sincere from Sincere Thoughts
The rules are this:
A) Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
B) Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
C) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
D) Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Speaking of Ms. Hott Sauce, she and I are starting a blog book club called "Hog Head Cheese". Yes, that's the name. We are taking turns picking one book per month, and she is first, and she chose the book "Wifey". We officially start on the 15th, and I would love, love, love for you guys to join us. I'll post the link to our new site this weekend.
the picture at the very top was in google images under 'playing tag'...don't ask me what the powder faced woman and her kool-aid drinking baby are up to...
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