There is a blog that I check on the regular called "Hochmah and Musar". It is very unique, about a brother who is a Black Jew in Israel and his experiences both past and present. He has a project that starts today called "A Week Of Positive Blogging". Even tho I don't feel like I can join in, as my blog is not really classified as personal, I would like to support his endeavor in reaching out to all brown bloggers. I know some of you complain of writer's block; this is an excellent thing to participate in and get your creative juices flowing, as well as revealing to your readers a bit about yourself, and to create something positive. I'm posting this a bit late, but it doesn't matter...even if you start tomorrow I'm sure it will be OK. Blog love!
As I mentioned in the previous post, We Could Be Heroes, I was recently inspired with an idea of a week of positive blogging. I am still working out the idea, but here are the bare bones of the idea. As I decide on my precise details I will make another post, or this may serve as the initial inspiration.
The Rules:
The week I have chosen is Nov. 4th to Nov. 10th 2007. This gives a full week to come up with ideas. Also, spread the word and get people involved. Start preparing stories for your blog to start posting on Nov. 4th. You can post as many as you like. I have put a section on my site for a list of the bloggers who are taking part. Once the week is up I will create a link list of the stories of all who took part.
You can participate for as few or as many days as you like. Just read all the instructions below so we are all on the same page, so to speak.Be imaginative, creative, and thoughtful with your posts. Use whatever theme makes your blog special. Your angle is what is important when considering the topics below.
The purpose is to show the world that good things are happening all around us even while bad things are happening. There is also the idea that each of us has a role on this earth, and each of can do something to change the world. Pictures, videos, etc. that help tell a story are good. You have complete freedom to write about what you like.
Needs: A Week of Positive Blogging Logo
Use this logo on your blog during the week at the top of every post that you do for the week.You can link back to this article.Below is the schedule and topic for you to discuss.
The Schedule:
Nov. 4th 2007 (Sunday) Post with discussions of your positive memories, writings, thoughts, and images that you have come across in your life. It could be a place, it could be a photo, it could be a film, it could be anything.
Nov. 5th 2007 (Monday) Posts about a person who inspired you to excel in life or who actually saved your life.
Nov. 6th 2007 (Tuesday) Post about some good news that has taken place in your city, community, etc. that has happened in the last 3 months?
Nov. 7th 2007 (Wednesday) If you had 3 months with which to spend $ 30 Million in order to change the world what would you do?
Nov. 8th 2007 (Thursday) Discuss a time in your life when you helped someone or saved someone's life.
Nov. 9th 2007 (Friday) Before you take your last breath in life, what words of wisdom would you want to impart to the next generation.
Nov. 10th 2007 (Saturday) After blogging about positive things for a week, what affect has it had on you and your life? What blogs that took part did you find the most inspiring? What do you plan to do to inspire the world going forward?If you are interested in taking part please leave a message at this post and I will add you to a list of bloggers who want to take part.
Thanks to Herve Kabla we now have a Facebook group to connect everyone who is involved. For those who want to participate please go to Facebook and join.
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