Anyhoo, while I was going thru this ordeal, I saw Kimora Lee Simmons and her beautiful little girls in their chauffeur driven chromed-to-death SUV. She was being loud as usual, shouting something about Tupac, of all things, out the window. I've never been one to be envious about anything, but at that moment I would have given anything to trade places with her. I'm sure she was probably traveling by private jet, and had her minions taking care of everything...all while I was being treated like Kizzy from the plantation. Oh well, she does work hard, so good for her.

Ever date someone off and on for years and years? It's like you can't shake this person out of your system, and whenever you see them it's like a magnet. You lose touch for long stretches of time, hook up, lose touch again and repeat. These people are generally no good for you, and are in and out of your life for a reason. Mine was a nephew of Felix Mitchell, a fact that I really think he only mentioned maybe once or twice in passing, and it meant nothing to me as I didn't know who the eff Felix Mitchell was, until yesterday while watching BET. Holy s__t! I had no idea what kind of family he was really from; I just knew there were constant shananigans with his folkses--he told me one story about helicopters over his house once, with his mother forced to the ground face down at gunpoint. You would have thought that would have been enough for me to get it, but I used to be extremely dense about some things--the main thing being men, haha. At least now I know why he was so shady; he got it honest, as they say.
If you haven't seen it, try to catch it in reruns...."American Gangster: Felix Mitchell".
I have been a bit interested in where my blog traffic has been coming from lately, and saw that there are some pretty consistent (and somewhat disturbing) things that I seem to be the go-to person on Google for...among them:
- terrence howard, small penis
- sonny carleone, godfather, big penis
- large women, sex
- black women, sex
- invisible woman sex and invisible woman f__king
- malik yoba, chapped lips
What is most disturbing is probably knowing that there are people out there actually typing and looking for these things....scary.
Last, but not least, I would like to give a shout out to a new blog I discovered and think is pretty darned clever, "We Are Respectable Negroes". They had me at the banner....watch these guys, I think they're going to blow up like the H-Bomb. Check out their blog if you have a minute.
Blessings to yall whatever you may be doing this Veteran's Day!
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