I know I am venturing off of the subject of Black Cinema, but until I start another blog, I need to say it here.
This primary/Obama situation is a catalyst for so very many things...I will be processing for a while.
It has caused me to lose much respect for some folks, and believe me, I'm not happy about it; Julian Bond, Andrew Young, Charles Rangel, and most importantly, the Clintons. At the same time I have a new respect for Oprah for completely putting herself out there for him early on, and the for Kennedys being newly regenerated for this millenium.
I laugh at the pundits that say Black folks are voting for Obama because he's Black. Maybe some are, but if that were the case, where were the strong showings when Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ran? Whatev.
I find Barack believable, well balanced, thoughtful, and sincere. And I have since I read his autobiography 2 years ago, before the thought of him running for president even came to light. His truths that resonate with me go way beyond race, and that's why I think "others" feel him too. He is real. And after being lied to for so very many years by our government, I feel a lot of folks don't give a f**k what his color is. The important part is that they believe what he says.

I found some posts on other blogs about non-blacks diggin' on Barack. The first is from "A Black Man's View":
Today I had an interesting conversation with a guy that came into my office checking on the status of a background search that my office conducted on several of his employees. While I was pulling up the information, he asked me how I felt about this historic election that we will have this coming November. (This is a white Guy). He tells me that he is supporting Big O, and he proceeds to explain why the "O" man will get his vote on March 4.
Basically he told me that he is sick of the way Washington DC is, and he wants a change.
He told me that Obama is like a cold drink of water on a hot Texas day.
He told me that he could care less if Big O was black, white, or green with pink spots.
He told me that all of his friends feel the same way.
He also told me that Hill-Billy could bend down in front of him and.... well.... you fill in the blanks.
He then asked me who I was supporting. I told him my eyes were on Edwards, but now that he is no longer in the race, I have to go with Big O. He asked me if I was voting for him just because he is black. I told him that of course I am thinking about him being a brother, but ultimately my decision to back him is that I think he is a better candidate than Hill-Billy. I reminded him again that Big O was not my first choice.
Well the guy goes on to say that he is glad that Obama is black, because it will make America look good on the world market, since the current President has f--ked up America's reputation.
Keep in mind this guy is being very candid with me in my little cubicle. He is talking to me like we have known each other for years. Oh, I forgot to mention that this guy was a registered Republican until last year. Now he is an Independent.
Well, I finally get my slow-ass computer to cough up the information that he wanted and he shakes my hand, tells me I better hit the polls on March 4 and he leaves. After he left I got to thinking about the conversation I just had. If Obama can make a (white) Texas cowboy like this dude accept him ( A black man) at all costs, is nothing short of amazing.
I never thought I would see the day were a Black Man would have a legitimate shot of moving to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I never thought that I would see the day where a Black Man that was not running a football, shooting a basketball or rapping, would get so much unconditional love from the majority of my beloved country. It really amazes me. If this guy represents what the rest of (white)Texas is feeling, I do believe that come March 4, Hill-Billy is in trouble.
From IW: Right on.

The second is from one of my blog loves "The Field Negro":
Today while shooting the breeze with one of my white friends, {He said} "Field, I am voting for that Barack fellow, you know why?" "Why?" I asked him. "Because then I won't have to hear you rip the white man anymore, and you will quit 'busting my chops' about white privilege."
Field also had this one:
My assistant has been with me for about eight years now. She was assigned to me by the city of Philadelphia and I couldn't be happier.
She is a white woman, and I think she is in her early fifties or so. She also happens to be a republican. I know this, because unfortunately, party affiliations and connections are two of the most important factors that are considered when folks get city jobs.
Now we rarely talk politics, but this morning my assistant asked me who I was voting for in the upcoming elections. Of course I knew right away where the conversation was heading. She then proceeded to ask me if I liked Obama. I told her I did but I still wasn't sure if I was going to vote for him just yet. "Why not?" She asked. "Well are you going to vote for him?" I asked her. "Yes I would consider it, I mean field, the man is so handsome."
Now I must admit, I never saw this coming. Not from her. I never even considered that she would consider voting for the "O" man. But after our little discusion it dawned on me that there must be quite a few A-merry-cans who will vote for the "O" man because they like how he looks, and how he carries himself.
I mean let's be honest; here in A-merry-ca we like our presidents to look, well, presidential. There are a couple of criterias that must be met. They must be tall, and they must have a full head of hair. It's why I knew Rudy was doomed from the get go. And it's why I know that Mike Huckabee, with his rice bowl bald spot in the middle of his head, has no shot. It's why Mike Dukakis- all four feet of him- had no shot when he ran against the first Bush. Think about it, pretty much all of our modern Presidents have been tall (I know the frat boy looks short, but he is really over six feet tall) with a full head of hair. The "O" man certainly fits that bill. And if my assistant is to be believed, he is handsome to boot.
So if I were John McCain I would be a little worried right now. I mean honestly John, I don't think A-merry-cans are feeling the comb over look. You might want to go the Joe Biden route and consider some hair plugs. And how tall are you? Could you get on one of the rides at Six Flags?... let me stop. The man does have one saving grace though, he is a war hero. Soldiers always seem taller than they really are don't they? I heard, for instance, that Ollie North was only like five feet six inches or some shit. Yet I see the guy on T.V. and he always looks like he is so much taller. (But I digress).
So back to the"O" man. Yes "O" man, if you are going to be the second coming of Camelot you better have the looks to go along with all the great speeches of inspiration. Fortunately for you it seems that you have that covered. And if my assistant is to be believed, it might carry you a long way; yes even with middle aged republican white women.
From IW: The Field makes a good point. The 'audacity of hope' indeed. And by the way, Tavis Smiley? STFU!

As George Clinton (not Hillary Clinton), Ice Cube, Yo-Yo, The Red Hot Chile Peppers, and Dr. Dre would say, "Paint The White House Black"** (video produced by Reginald Hudlin--how ironic):
**Thanks "The Black Snob" for video and pix
This primary/Obama situation is a catalyst for so very many things...I will be processing for a while.
It has caused me to lose much respect for some folks, and believe me, I'm not happy about it; Julian Bond, Andrew Young, Charles Rangel, and most importantly, the Clintons. At the same time I have a new respect for Oprah for completely putting herself out there for him early on, and the for Kennedys being newly regenerated for this millenium.
I laugh at the pundits that say Black folks are voting for Obama because he's Black. Maybe some are, but if that were the case, where were the strong showings when Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ran? Whatev.
I find Barack believable, well balanced, thoughtful, and sincere. And I have since I read his autobiography 2 years ago, before the thought of him running for president even came to light. His truths that resonate with me go way beyond race, and that's why I think "others" feel him too. He is real. And after being lied to for so very many years by our government, I feel a lot of folks don't give a f**k what his color is. The important part is that they believe what he says.

I found some posts on other blogs about non-blacks diggin' on Barack. The first is from "A Black Man's View":
Today I had an interesting conversation with a guy that came into my office checking on the status of a background search that my office conducted on several of his employees. While I was pulling up the information, he asked me how I felt about this historic election that we will have this coming November. (This is a white Guy). He tells me that he is supporting Big O, and he proceeds to explain why the "O" man will get his vote on March 4.
Basically he told me that he is sick of the way Washington DC is, and he wants a change.
He told me that Obama is like a cold drink of water on a hot Texas day.
He told me that he could care less if Big O was black, white, or green with pink spots.
He told me that all of his friends feel the same way.
He also told me that Hill-Billy could bend down in front of him and.... well.... you fill in the blanks.
He then asked me who I was supporting. I told him my eyes were on Edwards, but now that he is no longer in the race, I have to go with Big O. He asked me if I was voting for him just because he is black. I told him that of course I am thinking about him being a brother, but ultimately my decision to back him is that I think he is a better candidate than Hill-Billy. I reminded him again that Big O was not my first choice.
Well the guy goes on to say that he is glad that Obama is black, because it will make America look good on the world market, since the current President has f--ked up America's reputation.
Keep in mind this guy is being very candid with me in my little cubicle. He is talking to me like we have known each other for years. Oh, I forgot to mention that this guy was a registered Republican until last year. Now he is an Independent.
Well, I finally get my slow-ass computer to cough up the information that he wanted and he shakes my hand, tells me I better hit the polls on March 4 and he leaves. After he left I got to thinking about the conversation I just had. If Obama can make a (white) Texas cowboy like this dude accept him ( A black man) at all costs, is nothing short of amazing.
I never thought I would see the day were a Black Man would have a legitimate shot of moving to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I never thought that I would see the day where a Black Man that was not running a football, shooting a basketball or rapping, would get so much unconditional love from the majority of my beloved country. It really amazes me. If this guy represents what the rest of (white)Texas is feeling, I do believe that come March 4, Hill-Billy is in trouble.
From IW: Right on.

The second is from one of my blog loves "The Field Negro":
Today while shooting the breeze with one of my white friends, {He said} "Field, I am voting for that Barack fellow, you know why?" "Why?" I asked him. "Because then I won't have to hear you rip the white man anymore, and you will quit 'busting my chops' about white privilege."
Field also had this one:
My assistant has been with me for about eight years now. She was assigned to me by the city of Philadelphia and I couldn't be happier.
She is a white woman, and I think she is in her early fifties or so. She also happens to be a republican. I know this, because unfortunately, party affiliations and connections are two of the most important factors that are considered when folks get city jobs.
Now we rarely talk politics, but this morning my assistant asked me who I was voting for in the upcoming elections. Of course I knew right away where the conversation was heading. She then proceeded to ask me if I liked Obama. I told her I did but I still wasn't sure if I was going to vote for him just yet. "Why not?" She asked. "Well are you going to vote for him?" I asked her. "Yes I would consider it, I mean field, the man is so handsome."
Now I must admit, I never saw this coming. Not from her. I never even considered that she would consider voting for the "O" man. But after our little discusion it dawned on me that there must be quite a few A-merry-cans who will vote for the "O" man because they like how he looks, and how he carries himself.
I mean let's be honest; here in A-merry-ca we like our presidents to look, well, presidential. There are a couple of criterias that must be met. They must be tall, and they must have a full head of hair. It's why I knew Rudy was doomed from the get go. And it's why I know that Mike Huckabee, with his rice bowl bald spot in the middle of his head, has no shot. It's why Mike Dukakis- all four feet of him- had no shot when he ran against the first Bush. Think about it, pretty much all of our modern Presidents have been tall (I know the frat boy looks short, but he is really over six feet tall) with a full head of hair. The "O" man certainly fits that bill. And if my assistant is to be believed, he is handsome to boot.
So if I were John McCain I would be a little worried right now. I mean honestly John, I don't think A-merry-cans are feeling the comb over look. You might want to go the Joe Biden route and consider some hair plugs. And how tall are you? Could you get on one of the rides at Six Flags?... let me stop. The man does have one saving grace though, he is a war hero. Soldiers always seem taller than they really are don't they? I heard, for instance, that Ollie North was only like five feet six inches or some shit. Yet I see the guy on T.V. and he always looks like he is so much taller. (But I digress).
So back to the"O" man. Yes "O" man, if you are going to be the second coming of Camelot you better have the looks to go along with all the great speeches of inspiration. Fortunately for you it seems that you have that covered. And if my assistant is to be believed, it might carry you a long way; yes even with middle aged republican white women.
From IW: The Field makes a good point. The 'audacity of hope' indeed. And by the way, Tavis Smiley? STFU!

As George Clinton (not Hillary Clinton), Ice Cube, Yo-Yo, The Red Hot Chile Peppers, and Dr. Dre would say, "Paint The White House Black"** (video produced by Reginald Hudlin--how ironic):
**Thanks "The Black Snob" for video and pix
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