This irked me to no end. What the F--K is this?
While perusing Aunt Jemima's Revenge, I happened upon a story about some idiot whose stage name is Shirley Q. Liquor, VERY inappropriately and supposedly playing a "Black woman" in full on black-face. The blog says:
"Comedian Chuck Knipp aka Shirley Q. Liquor believes his parody of black women "was created in celebration of, not to downgrade, black women." I am stunned that this joker thinks black women would find this character as an uplifting tribute to them. I find it interesting that the same gay community that protested until Grey's Anatomy actor Isiah Washington was fired, can strongly support this guy's racist and sexist "Songs of the South" portrayal of a black woman."
From IW: Does this look like a celebration to you?

it's a celebration bitches!
The post goes on to state:
"To make matters worse, this person feels that he cannot be criticized for this horrific characterization by of all people, black women! Activist Jasmyne Cannick has been extremely critical of Mr. Knipp on her website and has successfully protested against his performance. Knipp has retaliated against Ms. Cannick by posting her personal phone number on his website and just recently he superimposed a photo of Ms. Cannick's face over another photo of an extremely obese and nude body of another unknown and unnamed African American woman. This attack on Ms. Cannick is typical of Knipp and the other racist and sexist images posted on his website."
From IW: The picture that he posted of the blogger Ms. Cannick was so sick and disrespectful that I have no words. I can't even post it.
To see this asshole's website--which made me want to hunt him down and put foot to ass, click HERE. Knipp describes Liquor as being “a welfare mother with nineteen kids (Cheeto, Orangello, Chlamydia, and Kmartina, etc.), who guzzles malt liquor, and drives a Caddy.” This fool makes close to six figures doing this "celebration and upliftment".
A sample of one of his "comedy" gems: “On the fifth day of Kwanzaa, my check came in the mail/AFDC!/Thank you, lawd!/Come on, kids/Let's go to the store/For some collard greens, ham hocks and cheese!" If you want to read another article about this piece of shit click HERE. It also has a link to the picture he posted of Ms. Cannick.

If you want to join Jasmyne Cannick, the Activist and Blogger he disrespected after she called him on the bullshit, and let him/her (Knipp) know we ain't havin' it click HERE. You can also view his/her youtubes there.
I highly encourage you to take the time to click on these links, and to write about, or at least mention this backwards ass mess on your blogs as well....I know my blogging sisters and brothers hear me out there!
Update: It seems that I am very much on the late train with this, as the always on top of things Undercover Black Man wrote about this last year on his blog HERE in a post entitled "Umgawa!". In my defense, this was before I had the pleasure of his acquaintance :-)
Update #2: Villager had this to say:
"Villagers, the Knipp-Roach is supported by his booking agents at Diva Central (7510 W. Sunset Blvd, Suite 1445; Los Angeles CA 90046).
You can reach out directly to Diva Central by phone (323.864-1933) or email ( if you want to join us in expressing our disgust and protest over the racist Charles Knipp show. "
From IW: To read the rest of his post, click HERE.
Update #3: Focused Purpose wrote a blurb today about it HERE on her blog.
Update #4: Michael Crawford from Bloggernista (who I believe is gay) just wrote about this travesty HERE.
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