OK. Blogger spell check is still not working, as if i didn't have enough reasons to leave already.
A thank you to Regina's Family Seasons. I love Regina cause she is always positive, sweet, and funny, bringing God's good will to everyone's blog. She gave me this award, The Daily Dose, which I am to pass on. It goes like this:

This little award is called The Daily Dose. And here is all the important info. Because you know you want to know what it is about and where it came from. ;)".. here's to all the blogs that you've discovered that you can't possibly live without. They make you laugh, cry, think, and feel connected every time you read a post. They give you a thrill as you see them loading into your browser and you get an equally satisfying thrill when you see that they have commented on your blog". From Xandra: creator, The Daily Dose Award. So PLEASE take this award and post it on your blog! And you MUST pass it on!
From IW: Alrighty then. I pass mine on to Just Judith at Viva Voce, who I read daily like the morning paper, haha. I also get the same type of information from her as the paper, which is nice.
Got tagged by the diva that is Opinionated Black Woman.
The rules are like this:“This link loving in 2008 came from Not Much More Than This. I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!). It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially!
The benefits of Viral Linking:- One of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode!- Increase your Google PageRank fast- Attract large volume of new traffic to your site- Build your community- Make new friends!
Now, add/tag 5 of your friends blogs…The Strategist Notebook Link Addiction Ardour of the Heart When Life Becomes a Book The Malaysian Life Yogatta.com What goes under the sun Roshidan’s Cyber Station Sasha says Arts of Physics And the legend lives My View, My Life A Simple Life What Women REALLY Think Not Much More Than This Jayedee Jenn Beth Christie Marla Cailin Simone FlipFlopMom Katrina Gill’s Jottings Work of a Poet WakelaModern Day GoddessLivin With Me A Simple Life Verb Random Thoughts I’m Running to Win Two Regina’s Family Seasons Lifesong The Laughs Will Go OnMilitary MomTheVasquez3Brik-See-Us Five Dollar Shake , My Three Wisemans , You Better Recognize , Miscellaneous Matters , Opinionated Black Woman, The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor, Slausin-Ass Slaus, Word On The Street, Invisible Woman, Darkbrotha, The Black Actor, The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor, The People Who Could Fly Project , The Luscious Librarian, Sincere Thoughts
From IW: Mine are a special shout-out to The ATLians (for those of you who don't know, that is a term for our folkses from Atlanta) that have recently come up on my radar:
The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor-I may not always agree with him, but I do most of the time. If I don't it's because he is so unapologetically single! lol But I love reading his perspectives.
The People Who Could Fly Project -(5 young, creative sisters, I think they are from Atlanta, haha)
Sincere at Sincere Thoughts-always love someone who loves "The Wire" as much as I do!
Pass it on my Southern brothers and sisters; cut and paste the links above with all included :-)
And finally I've had the meme tag from Ivent from You Betta Recognize languishing for a couple of weeks...sorry! Last time I was tagged I think I talked too much, so this time I'll make it a lot more innocuous (translation boring, haha). You are supposed to reveal 7 facts about yourself:
1) I love movies about pimps. Don't ask me why, I just do.
2) I always take a bath and never shower...unless I'm doing something drastic to my hair which is very rare, or I'm staying in a hotel.
3) I wore my hair bald for a short time. The crazy thing was, men loved it. Go figure.
4) I love martinis-any kind will do as long as it's made with good vodka (no gin). Chocolate, lemondrop, limoncello, and dirty are my particular faves.
5) I've had 5 Volvos, what happened to each one is a sorrier story than the last (I no longer drive one, haven't for a while)
6) I'm going to start up 2 new blogs this year
7) I have a blog crush....he doesn't know it tho!
I'm not going to tag anyone else--cause at this point I think everyone has been tagged, or doesn't want to be!
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