Old School Music Friday....

First of all, I want to thank all of you who left your comments on my last post, Reader Opinion: Who Are Today's Black Hollywood Greats? Very interesting reads....keep it coming!

This week's meme is kinda scary, and maybe Mrs. Grapevine was exhausted from running after her toddlers when she thought this one up. It is Prince, and everybody and their cousin knows that when you post this dude, disaster soon follows...I'm gonna live dangerously and participate, but if you come back later and my blog is gone at least you'll know why!

Prince has probably made as a single force the largest amount of my favorite songs, and I have loved him from the very day he came on the scene. No one comes close to his genius in my opinion, except for maybe Stevie Wonder. I am going to be a bit different today and post a very short intro he did when he was on "American Bandstand" when he was 19. If you think he grew into his weirdness, think again....this video is confirmation that dude was pretty much born that way. What's really strange is that he looks almost exactly the same now as he did then...Dorian Gray anyone?:

Prince - Interview American Bandstand
by halloaluile

Update: Found this--I used to love this song--my friends would tease me cause I played the living sh*t out of this album. Here is Prince looking like his best David Bowie:

Prince - Anotherloverholeinyohead [Video] - Prince
One More-just cause I love this one so much too!:

Prince - Raspberry Beret - ASTRO-ZOMBIE

Please visit my other OSF fam for other dangerous music:

AJ - http://overanalyzeit.wordpress.com/Believer 1964 - http://ruhoffman.blogspot.com/BklynQueen’86 - http://vanitydark.blogspot.com/CC Groovy - http://ccgroovy.blogspot.com/Chocl8t - http://thechocl8tdiaries.wordpress.com/Cooper - http://wonderlandornot.net/Shawn - http://dallassouthblog.com/Danielle Vyas - http://modernmusings.com/Dee - http://donotcolorme.blogspot.com/DP - http://therealready.blogspot.com/Fresh and Fab - http://freshandfab.blogspot.com/Hagar’s Daughters – http://hagarsdaughters.blogspot.com/Invisible Woman - http://invisible-cinema.blogspot.com/John - http://altjirangamitjina.blogspot.com/Kevin - http://slanttruth.com/Kim - http://thepunkin-patch.blogspot.com/LaKeisha - http://kreativetalk.blogspot.com/LaShonda - http://thee-biz.blogspot.com/Lil Creole Pimp - http://creolepimp.blogspot.com/Lisa C - http://lisacwrites.blogspot.com/Mahogany - http://www.mahoganydymond.net/Malcolm - http://popculturedish.blogspot.com/Marcus - http://marcuslangford.com/MarvalusOne - http://themarvalusview.com/Mike - http://thehappygoluckybachelor.blogspot.com/Mrs. Grapevine - http://mrsgrapevine.com/MsLadyDeborah - http://msladydeborah.blogspot.com/Pjazzypar - http://www.tracesofastream.blogspot.com/Pop Art Diva - http://popartdiva.blogspot.com/Quick - http://thequickcatchup.blogspot.com/Regina - http://reginasfamilyseasons.blogspot.com/Shae-Shae - http://heyshae.com/blogSharon - http://thetrueurbanqueen.blogspot.com/SJP - http://sojournersplace.blogspot.com/Thembi - http://whatwouldthembido.blogspot.com/Villager - http://electronicvillage.blogspot.com/Vivrant Thang - http://songsinthekeyoflife.wordpress.com/Zenobia - http://from-the-battlefield.blogspot.com/