Tambay Obenson, who had probably the best blog on Black film "The Obenson Report", has decided, sadly (or unsadly, depending on your view) to venture on to different things. He now has a blog called "Watch Us Explode" and he left this comment for me the other day:
Paul Newman was that very rare breed of celebrity - not just an entertainer, but a real actor, and an activist who invested both time and money in various social causes. He got it, unlike so many others. This just got me thinking, and maybe this is a potential future post for your blog :o) - as Hollywood's stars from yesteryear (its so-called golden age) are starting to pass on to the next life, who are the next group of stars (I guess the baby-boomers) who will replace them? The likes of Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, Sydney Pollack, Ossie Davis who have all died in recent years, as well as their contemporaries who are still alive like Sidney Poitier, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Robert Redford, Ruby Dee, etc... Who are today's golden stars? Are they even comparable to those that came before them?
I have had the same questions on this blog about non-Black Hollywood, but never really brought it up here about who will be the greats in Black Hollywood. I have my thoughts on this, but I would like to know yours...I will use your comments in a post early next week. Who do you think will be picking up the torch of the greats like Sidney Poitier and Ruby Dee? Will any of today's Black Hollywood be remembered 50 years from now and why? (in your opinion). And everybody can't say Angela and Denzel, haha!
btw, who put taye diggs' ass in that pic?
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