There is only one movie theatre within 40 miles, and they have been showing the same 3 month old movies since I arrived. The only alternative is the only Blockbuster within those same 40 miles. It's weird, they have an extensive black movie section (all seem to be straight to DVD) and even tho I haven't heard of most of them, a surprising amount have major Black Hollywood stars in them.
This movie is one third star, one third bootleg, and one third milk carton alert. It's called "Confessions Of A Call Girl" and features Tamala Jones, Lynn Whitfield, and the subject of what was going to be my next milk carton alert, Bokeem Woodbine (who Thembi says is now in a rock band--?!).
The problem starts with casting Bokeem as a high powered corporate attorney. Wah? I've known more than a few attorneys in my time, and none of them had a rough, thick, guttural Bronx type accent. Not to say that it couldn't happen, but I'm just sayin'....he's about as attorney as my yorkie terrier. Anyway, Tamala Jones plays his wife. She is a well respected doctor that has her own extensive clinic during the day, and is a high-priced call girl at night. Guess being a doctor with a heavy caseload clinic doesn't keep you busy enough. Realistic so far....
Lynne Whitfield plays her therapist, and Tamala "confesses" her sins and tries to work them through. Their encounters border on scary hilarity and soft porn, as one of the therapist's "methods" is supposedly "rolfing"-- which in this film involves a lot of massage in the breast and lower regions in bra and panties. It's funny, being a Cali girl, the rolfing I know just involves a lot of hippie-type laying of hands, incense, and wheatgrass juice; as harmless as going to the health food store.
So over the course of the movie we are treated to one ludicrous story after another about the doctor's so called sexual "adventures", that came out of screenwriting 101 (at the cost of a laughable $10,000 per tryst). One likes her to ride him like a horse, (complete with saddle), one likes to wear women's clothes under his suit, and then there is the priest.
Lo and behold, there is the subject of another one of my upcoming milk carton alerts, Roger Guenveur Smith. I always thought this dude was completely weird and creepy in every way, and I am happy to report that everything is still there, with the added bonus of a severely receded hairline; the long creepy "Under The Cherry Moon" Prince looks, the affected, fake hesitations and drawls when he speaks, the feeling that he is only aware of himself in the movie, and not even one cast or crew member. Their scene together is one of the oddest I've seen for a while.
In all of these scenes there is plenty of dirty talk, which I'm all for, but it is strangely unsexy, stepping over a thin line into just embarrassing. I found my mind wandering a lot (which is not supposed to happen when there is sex in front of you).....where did she get all those fly clutch bags from? Why doesn't Bokeem get his teeth fixed? Where did all of these horrible wigs come from? Was the hairstylist a relation? Is there any movie Clifton Powell won't do? Why are the two doctors wearing frosty pink lipstick? And so on...
This one is meant for insomniac Cinemax/Showtime After Dark viewing only.
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