Okay, so I posted this video last week about the Blockbuster Black Movie Section, and these dudes were reviewing these bootleg movies, and talked about one called "The Watermelon Heist". I thought it would be fun to laugh at, cause you knew it was gonna be like some high school play.
Oh.....my....God....have you ever seen a movie so bad that you can't even laugh at it? A movie that defies description and what your eyes are seeing? A movie that any self-respecting 4th grader can write in their sleep, but was still made anyway? This is that movie.
It is the story of Nicodemus Brown, who calls himself "Nicca Brown" and his welfare check waitin' family....it goes downhill from there, culminating with a 2 minute appearance by Rudy Ray (Dolemite) Moore, who looks like a corpse in a suit and hat. And since it was based on a "true story" (that term is surely twisted to hell in this one) of John Amos' father, starred John Amos, and was "directed" by John Amos' son, K.C. Amos, I will be kind and simply say that this is the worst film I have ever seen in my life.

In the w-list movies I've seen him in, I always marveled at how he got work...he makes Forest Whitaker look like The Rock in the face.....check out his names in the movies he's been in: "Horny", "Forty Ounce", "Ringworm" and "Greg Rant" (genius). Add "Leprechaun in the Hood" co-starring Ice-T and Coolio to his illustrious accomplishments.
There aren't too many pictures of him available on the net, but when I see how he looks in real life, he is not so scary to look at (unless his pictures are airbrushed). Why he chooses to look the way he does in his films...well, maybe he's a method actor. Yeah, that's it.
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