Theo Johnson is the creative genius behind the Now That is What I'm Talking About blog. He tagged me with a meme on goals back in April 2007. The original meme was started by Alex Shalman. It has taken over five months ... but, the rhinos in my Electronic Village have elephant-like tendencies ... we never forget! My goals are actually quite simple at this stage of life. (I.W. : To see Villager's goals click here):
Anyhow, I get to tag others now. My choices are:
Adrianne - Black Women in Europe
Bronze Trinity - Man I Need Something To Do
Eddie - Eddie Griffin, BASG
Invisible Woman - Black Cinema at LARGE
Keith - The 'D' Spot
Wayne - Field Negro
As we used to say when we were kids ... TAG YOU'RE IT!
From I.W.: Oh boy...where do I begin? First let me say I am honored to be in the same pool as these great thinkers, and second of all, do I start with my ridiculous goals of marrying The Rock, or being as rich as Oprah (I kid, I kid! Well, maybe just a little), or with my ultimate goal of getting a Ph.D one day, even though I'm as far away from it as you can get?
I guess I'll keep it simple.
1. Like Villager, I hope to be completely financially independent within a year. And I mean lottery-type rich. Yeah, that's a great one....I like it.
2. I am in North Carolina in part to begin and invest in a business that I believe in very much. I want it to blow up like Nagasaki, but I believe it will anyway, as it is a service and product that is much in demand....I just want it to become amazingly prosperous with an equal amount of peace.
3. To have all of my relationships-business, personal, associate, family, and blogger, be fruitful, positive, fun, and blessed. I can't say I'm dealing with anything negative at all right now; I just want everyone in my life to shine and gleam like the sun :-)
4. And of course, have my blog be a huge gathering place not only for Black Cinema, but anyone who loves art, culture, thinkers, healing my brothers and sisters in the community, and fun. I am going to generate some advertising as well.
Anyway, I hope I have all y'alls thoughts and blessings on these goals!
btw, the picture above is supposed to be children in Uganda playing tag, tho it looks like something else to me
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