Oh, Tracy. Tracy! Just a little while longer and you would have been in the clear, free to shrivel your liver on your own time, without your SCRAM recording your every beer, your every patron shot, your every…you get the picture. Was it the 30 Rock Emmy win? Was it the divorce? Whatever it was, you drank some alcohol, SCRAM and all, and now you have to wear the device for another 80 days. If you cheat again, it’s 30 days in jail. Call me a bleeding heart, but what good is a SCRAM going to do for a man clearly addicted to alcohol? Can someone sentence him to a stint at Promises, please?
From I.W.: I love love love "30 Rock". Did I mention how much I love it? Tracy better not f__k it up.....
ps: why does he keep thinkin that shirt up showin' the belly thing is cute? I'm just sayin'...
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